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Partnership For Good

CEL has received generous support from many partners from India and abroad. Our frontline work in maternal and child health has attracted the interest of several aligned individuals and institutions from across the globe. With our research entrenched deep within communities, drawing from the circumstances and experience of the most vulnerable who we seek to serve, our partners value the health outcomes that we bring to the surface in case recommended interventions are in place. Collaborations with our partners has led to groundbreaking studies, like the Emollient study, and transformative implementation research like the creation of Kangaroo Mother Care Lounges in health facilities. Some of our partners are:

  • Government of India
  • Indian Council of Medical Research
  • World Health Organization
  • Government of Uttar Pradesh
  • National Health Mission

Our partners support us through grants, intellectual property and broadcast opportunity. If you would like to learn more about our partnership process, including CSR engagement, please get in touch with