CEL is one of the few world-class institutions in the country to have been awarded the highly prestigious and competitive Center for Advanced Research Award by the Indian Council of Medical Research in 2024.
CEL's CAR is focused on "Critical service delivery innovations to help India achieve its newborn survival and maternal health goals by 2030". Led by Dr. Vishwajeet Kumar, Founder & Chief Scientist, this research focuses on the priority area of Neonatal Mortality Reduction under the umbrella of the nation’s RMNCH initiatives. This study is primarily designed as a Delivery Research with a secondary emphasis on Development Research.
The CAR is CEL's flagship program encompassing and harmonizing all of CEL's research efforts towards achieving its mission of ensuring improved newborn and maternal survival and thrive. This program will span the next 5 years with main goals set as follows:
- To develop impactful ground-up health service delivery innovations ensuring high quality and person-centered perinatal care to improve birth outcomes within health systems.
- To provide support to capacity-building initiatives, essential technical guidance ICMR, and national programs on Implementation Research.
CEL is also one of 25 nationwide Collaborative Centers of Excellence of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR-CCoE)
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the apex body for formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research in India is committed to promote, support and conduct research to improve health of all our citizens, and to make India a global leader in Health. ICMR believes that our institutions should achieve global leadership in research with an aim to solve health problems of Indian citizens.
ICMR recognizes that India is becoming a global power in health research. A number of research institutions of public and private sectors including medical colleges and nongovernmental organizations have contributed towards this achievement. ICMR aims to foster an enabling and sustainable ecosystem for collaborative, multidisciplinary biomedical research in the country.
To this end, ICMR has recognized a few, premier institutions in the country and Collaborative Centers of Excellence, who will work with ICMR to identify path-breaking areas of public health research and explore synergies with ICMR and other health research institutions to carry out the research.
CEL is proud to be recognized as a Collaborative Center for Excellence by ICMR, apart from being a Centre for Advanced Research. It enables us to leverage our research to network and learn from a wide network of research institutions under the aegis of ICMR.